Friday, 25 October 2013

Hibernation sickness complete...

House purchasing, studio arranging, gigging, real world jobs, quietening of Foley work in Auckland and a very expensive root canal.... Hell it's been a busy 4 months!!

Very quiet sound wise though and with quietness comes time to build up the sound library...
And with the requirement of a real world job to secure the mortgage, my ears have been introduced to a whole new environment of sounds that would'nt have been available prior....

Food processing plants, immense factories, old buildings and warehouses, and the pipe laden corridors that lead to the old boiler rooms and workshops that linger in the heart their basements. 
Most of which are accessible in the dead of night when the workers have long departed....  
Perfect recording environments...

The decent begins into the heart of it all, armed only with a portable recorder.

And amazing discoveries like these are what makes it all worthwhile.... small devices housed in a stand alone room, that seem regulate detergent output in a wash down bay in the main building.
They appear to have a plastic body and a metal internal spindle that loudly clicks and whirs as it turns at various, unpredictable speeds, even slowing to a creepy creaking sound. They start un-expectantly, emitting a burst of various creaks, increasing groans and whirs before suddenly stopping dead.
And when there are 12 units on the wall, all coming to life at different speeds, pitches and times, it makes for a very creepy, un-nerving sound bed.

And this was only the first night.
So many more areas to explore....