Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Guild Field Recordings

To end the year, the Masters of Foley Guild arranged access to a Primary School to capture classroom and playground ambience, and an abandoned Freezing Works, decimated by fire, for ambiences and metal scrapings. Expedition lead by J.Bruce and captured by D.Del Borello and B.Parker.

 Classroom Ambience at Jean Batten Primary School

Capturing the classroom ambience 

 All hail Glorious Leader upon entry to Abandoned Freezing Works

 Exterior rubble

Interior Mechanism's

 Interior Hallway wreckage

Precariously balanced sheet iron ceiling

 Hmmmm, essence of Glory Hole anyone..?

Capturing the Ambiences

 Open plan Ambience

 D.Del Borrelo on the prowl for sounds

 B.Parker searching for Ghostly Transmissions

J.Bruce leading the intrepid journey

Friday, 7 December 2012

The last days on Spartacus Ep 10

As the last few days on Spartacus come to an end, we are left with one very used and abused Foley Room to clean, after the all blood, sand and sex of a full season of Spartacus Foley has taken its toll.
It was an absolutely amazing experience and my eternal gratitude goes to both Mr J.Bruce and 
Mr D.Del Borrello, for their skill, patience and generosity. 

The scene for the epic final battle in Ep 10 

 No corner left untouched by this season

 Mr Damian Del Borrello at the helm

 The arsenal of props

The rug's pulled back to get the last of the dirt feet done on the floor after the death of the pit

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Shield Foley for Spartacus Ep 10

Shield Foley for the Roman Armies

Double Shield action, alongside the enigmatic foley master: 'The Man with the Golden Hands'

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Spartacus: War of the Damned....

I have been fortunate enough to be able to join the Spartacus Foley team to 
assist with the Foley performance for Spartacus Season 3 - Ep's 3 through to 10.
Blood, sand and high demand Foley. Bring it on!!!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The Hyystaax Grimoire

The Hyystaax Grimoire is a friend's short horror film which started shooting today.
First scene was shot in West Auckland and I helped out as stage hand, as sound recording wasn't
required for the shoot. The film will be shot sporatically over the coming summer months and once completed, I will hopefully add Foley to it early next year.

 The Hyystaax Grimoire Book cover

The floor layout for the scene - great when folks let you draw on the floor 

Final props set up and shelf of grim goodies 

One of the stills from the rough cut of the day

Saturday, 30 June 2012

V48Hr Film Fest 2012: ADHDMI take home awards

Congrats to the gentlemen of ADHDMI for winning the below awards both in the Auckland section as well as Nationally!! Although very little of our field recordings were used in the final product, it was great to see your film got its deserved recognition!


Sunday, 20 May 2012

V48Hr Film Fest 2012: Field Samples for team ADHDMI

Team ADHDMI needed a forest intro for their short film, including the audio of a car pulling up, two people emerging and dragging two bagged bodies from the car boot up into the bush, then throwing the bodies into the undergrowth and running away. Armed with an H4N Zoom, a boxing bag, rubbish bags and gaff tape, myself and assistant Tom Von Doobie did a 5:30am mission to Wood Hill to get the recordings before the sunday dog walkers started.....

 Body drops from the boot onto gravel

 Boxing bag wrapped in rubbish sacks to simulate the bodies

 Recording the culprits fleeing the scene

Tom Von Doobie - a natural at throwing bodies into bushes

Action shot!

Capturing the body/bush impact